the logo for Loaf which is actually a loaf of bread with a smiley face on it




Start for free. Pay for full access!

Lifetime licence

$199 $227

Limited time offer.
One-time purchase. Lifetime access!



200 animations

Pro (All prices in USD)


1,356 animations

$97/year (save 10%)

1,356 animations

All plans include:

an animated svg file icon
Original SVG files

When you copy or download an animation from Loaf, you get the original SVG file.

an animated mouse icon
Icon editor

The intuitive Loaf editor, made specifically for Loaf animations.

an animated ribbon icon
Ongoing support

No big corporation here! You'll get personal support from the founder :)

an animated heart icon
New features and icons

The better Loaf gets, the more value you get!

an animated laptop icon
Windows/macOS support

Apps for both macOS and Windows!

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